Negotiate like a professional

We negotiate things big and small constantly, often without even noticing it. Despite this, many feel uneasy when facing an important negotiation. Often, we’re also not good at it.

In this episode of the Wholegrain Leadership Podcast, Matthias Catón speaks with Anja Henningsmeyer. She is an expert on communications and negotiation and works as a trainer and coach. She has recently published a book explicitly looking at how women negotiate. Among other things, they discuss:

  • why negotiating is so important
  • if there are different negotiation styles of men and women
  • why do so many people have difficulties with negotiation situations?
  • if there are differences between cultures when it comes to negotiation
  • the importance of one’s reputation
  • the role of emotions in negotiations
  • how to prepare for a negotiation

About the guest

Anja Henningsmeyer

Anja Henningsmeyer has excelled in many jobs. She was a journalist, a film festival manager, and a photo agency owner in Hong Kong. Since 2008 she has headed the Hessian Film and Media Academy (Hessische Film- und Medienakademie), a network of thirteen public universities in the German state of Hesse. Also, she is a university lecturer and trainer for successful communication (presentation, networking, and negotiation).


Anja’s book is called Denn sie wissen, was sie tun: Wie Frauen erfolgreich verhandeln and was published by Campus-Verlag in 2019. It is available as paperback, ebook and audio book.